Aphrodite stats repaired!

Wow.. Thank you to all friends and clan that had helped in my journey to bring Aphrodite back to 1:1 K/D 🙂 The point in time this happened, I was on 3670/3670 kills/deaths. Avg of 2.5 (835 wins 645 loss – win ratio 56%). Assists are always through the roof (19794) with average of 13.4. Dammit I’m starting to sound like one of those gamer guys!

I started the journey at almost 800 kills in debt, with averages of : 8 deaths, and 0.3 K/D. Months later, it is finally back to 1:1 (avg. 2.5 on both k/d!). It has been incredible the feeling.
It also shows the journey on how well She plays with ‘low deaths’ (and low kill). Again, my style of Aphrodite is ‘offensive’ but with defensive play (zoning) by default.

The key as mentioned before is knowing your team, esp the tanks. After the last few weeks, I have come to the conclusion that Aphrodite’s best partner is actually Athena (Ares comes second!).
Once powered up at about item 3-4 on my build, with a willing Athena, we can wreck opponents every 10 seconds! The combo is:

* Aphro: link Athena
* Athena: Charge squishy
* Athena: Drop cage (3)
* Athena: Taunt (2)
* Aphro: kiss-stun
* Aphro: Birds
* Aphro: Backoff

That clears just about most squishies 🙂 – Athena’s cage will explode either slightly before or after the backoff – both will score the kill depending on how low the opponent is. If they survive that.. the birds will finish them running 🙂 Bonus for Aphro having the ult to pull Athena out if She gets too swamped 🙂 The cooldown on the above is just ~10s.. so if you miss.. try again!

This is also where the rest of the team gets in on it – there’s just no escape if pulled through cleanly. This beats the Ares combo at ~60 seconds per attempt.

Now to move on to other Gods (I’m not giving up Aphrodite, but I can start working on others now :))

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