Evil Unicorn's Gallery

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Athena's Fall 1

AthenaFall1_sign.jpg Athena's Fall 2VirschäibillerArtemis, EclipsedAthena's Fall 2VirschäibillerArtemis, EclipsedAthena's Fall 2VirschäibillerArtemis, EclipsedAthena's Fall 2VirschäibillerArtemis, EclipsedAthena's Fall 2VirschäibillerArtemis, EclipsedAthena's Fall 2VirschäibillerArtemis, Eclipsed

Athena easily defeated the insolent nymph, Her defences unpentratable. Sylvene on the other hand, had planned the moment, for the moment Athena chose to finish the nymph off, She was no longer the Mistress of impenetrable defence.. it was that moment that She was struck down!