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Arachne's Revenge (cleaner/non cbust)

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"I tell the tale of Arachne, she of the eternal weaver. The tale started many aeons ago, when a mortal weaver Arachne boasted of Her skills greater than the Gods. Weaving the greatest of tapestries and other works, even nymphs stood in awe of her works. Words spread of her claims, and eventually to the ears of the Goddess of War, Wisdom.. and don't forget Weaving!", she shifted her stance, leaning against the tree, carefully tracing the bark.

"Athena came down, in guise of an old woman, mingling amongst the crowd admiring the mortal weaver. She asked once more, 'Do you believe you could weave better than the Goddess of Weaving Herself?'. In the presence of her admirers.. and perhaps in hubris, she replied 'Yes. I can weave better and longer than any Goddess, let Athena Herself even come down and challenge my works'. A moment's flash later, the old woman transformed before her eyes, Athena stood before her. 'The challenge is met, Arachne'.", she allowed a small spider to crawl down the back of her wrist.

"Two looms were set up, and the two women sat down. Athena weaved the glory of the Gods.. Arachne wove the vices of the Gods. After the days have passed, the contest drew to a close. The audiences gazed at both pieces in awe. Depending on who you asked, what transpired after varied. Some say, Athena lost the contest, and in rage, ripped apart Arachne's works and turned her into a spider on the spot. Other say, none could flaw Arachne's works, but neither could they flaw Athena's - a draw, but Arachne was turned into a spider regardless, for her crime of hubris. There are also some who say that Arachne lost the contest, and in shame of all before her, she hung herself. Athena turned her into a spider, to weave for eternity", the blonde nymph turned her hand around, allowing the spider to crawl into her palm and back onto the tree trunk.

"I have found a way to revert some of the 'curse'.. but only Athena could fully release Arachne from the transformation. I brought Arachne to greet the Goddess just outside a warcamp. A few well placed hits convinced Her to stay for the mediation..", the nymph smiled tracing the curves of the horn on her headpiece.

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