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White Owl : Ultrapunishment

WO_Ultrapunished2.jpg الصور المصغرةWonder Cupidالصور المصغرةWonder Cupidالصور المصغرةWonder Cupidالصور المصغرةWonder Cupidالصور المصغرةWonder Cupidالصور المصغرةWonder Cupidالصور المصغرةWonder Cupid

[for ladytania and athena nikos] "Athena.. I remember the Goddess of your namesake.. we go back a long way.. and I remember how I was a pawn in Her games.. exiled to the place you call Cyprus today.. it is nice to see Her presence still around.. so that I may exact some revenge.", the voice echoed in White Owl's mind. "Trust me, little Owl.. the Goddess is in for a suprise.", the alluring villainness ushered her follower carrying away an ancient artifact.

"Ultra Woman, would you kindly stomp her.. right... THERE!", the blue clad villainness instructed the entranced Ultra Woman.