Evil Unicorn's Gallery

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MedusasLegacy_Signed.jpg Wonder Woman: Ares faces Godsالصور المصغرةPan: Athena's Wisdom at a priceWonder Woman: Ares faces Godsالصور المصغرةPan: Athena's Wisdom at a priceWonder Woman: Ares faces Godsالصور المصغرةPan: Athena's Wisdom at a priceWonder Woman: Ares faces Godsالصور المصغرةPan: Athena's Wisdom at a priceWonder Woman: Ares faces Godsالصور المصغرةPan: Athena's Wisdom at a priceWonder Woman: Ares faces Godsالصور المصغرةPan: Athena's Wisdom at a priceWonder Woman: Ares faces Godsالصور المصغرةPan: Athena's Wisdom at a price

The potency of the youngest gorgon's gaze pierced the Goddess to the core. Unable to draw Her eyes away from the full effects of the girl, Athena felt Her skin harden. Her immortal heart pounded against Her chest in futility as She was held by one of Medusa's daughters. "NOOOooo....", the once proud Goddess of Wisdom and Warfare's voice trailed off as Her mouth froze in a scream - like many of Medusa's many previous victims had done. Her lips no longer moving, yet Her mind was still alive.. feeling the effects of the young gorgon's gaze spread down Her neck.
.. is this the end? ;)
juansixx1961@deviantArt - Lightning Sky 2
As far as timeline goes, like most Gods, Their seeds are potent and often result in children (Just see Zeus and His 'heroes'/kings legacies). In the case of Medusa (and Poseidon), of course we knew what got Medusa into trouble in the first place. Since it took a while between her curse (from Athena) and the time that She sent a hero to clean up Her mess (Perseus), Medusa had already spawned a few children off Poseidon. At the time of this picture, Medusa has already been mounted on Athena's Aegis.. but a slight miscalculation that she had children that carried her curse.. - of course, with the prequel (unrendered at this time) would show that they had a 'bit of help' setting up this rather.. stone-walled reunion party ;)
This is one of my old pieces finally rendered to completion. And to you petrification/stoning fans.. you know who you are :P

Evil Unicorn
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