Evil Unicorn's Gallery

Welcome to Silverwood

DefeatedSheRa_signed.jpg サムネイルShe-Ra TreatmentサムネイルShe-Ra TreatmentサムネイルShe-Ra TreatmentサムネイルShe-Ra TreatmentサムネイルShe-Ra TreatmentサムネイルShe-Ra TreatmentサムネイルShe-Ra Treatment

Liberation of Whispering Woods has begun. When our favourite nymph discovered that the Rebels of Etheria had wantonly abused the protection of the woods, she stepped in. It was a swift but deadly trap. A little blonde damsel in distress.. a bit of spores.. a touch of pheromones - enhanced by Aphrodite's juices. A pinch of poison, and delivered to the champion of these Rebels. A delicate potion of little things which eventually weakened She-Ra to the point where she was no threat even to a sub-human strength nymph sorceress.

"Whispering Woods will protect you no more. You on the other hand, will protect the Whispering Woods. Do you understand?.. oh and let's not go running back to your winged Goddess right?", Sylvene teased the fallen heroine, gasping for breath. She-Ra was unable to lift herself off the ground and soon faded into unconsciousness.. yet those words haunted her for much longer.
:iconnoireuse: : Backdrop castle. With permission to darken it to suit the picture :)
:iconterrymcg: Awesome She-Ra V4 figure!