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Curia vs Sylver Huntress

WWCuria_vs_SylverHuntress_sign.jpg DiapositibakCuria's FuryDiapositibakCuria's FuryDiapositibakCuria's FuryDiapositibakCuria's FuryDiapositibakCuria's FuryDiapositibakCuria's FuryDiapositibakCuria's Fury

"Hail sister! I have not seen you before!", Curia greeted the red haired archeress, clearly an Amazon - yet one she had not seen on the island before.
"Leave my presence, for I am hunting my quarry!", the other amazon snapped back.
"Sister, there is nothing here to hunt on Themiscyra of such urgency. I am Curia, and you would be..?", Curia tried to reach out to the the silver-clad huntress.
"Firstly let's see if you're fit to be my sister then we talk!", the archeress smiled firing three arrow at the heroine. It was rudimentary to deal with 3 arrows, and she knew that projectiles would be useless against other Amazons, but it was no ordinary arrow.
Curia lifted her bracers easily blocking the arrows, but instead of being deflected, the tip of each one exploded a puff of powder, causing her to cough briefly.
"Good, you haven't forgotten the art of bullets and bracers.. That is a good start. You have earnt the right to ask my name. I am Sylver Huntress, the Huntmistress of Artemis. Perhaps you've heard of me.."
Curia had heard rumours about the title of the Huntmistress -- but there was also stores about her going rogue and entering the outside world, and never to be seen again.
Sylver didn't give Curia much time to think it through before attacking, seemingly without mercy at the raven haired heroine.
A trained warrior and at peak of her ablities, she was easily able to disarm her opponent's bow and emptied her quiver in quick order. A moment's break in combat brought Curia to try reasoning with Sylver again. "Just who are you hunting and why are you attacking me?"
"If you are not an agent to the betrayer of Amazonkind that I seek, then stand down. I do not have time for you...", Sylver got back up from the ground cautiously, wiping her lips.
"Perhaps we could...AUUGGGHH!!", Curia's offer was shut out by Sylver's brutal low attack, sending the heroine to the ground , a few feet back.

(I'll leave the fight to your imagination from here ;) Fine, I just want to hit "publish" button ok? )
First full render with the new WW-Movie outfit, with :iconcuria-dd:'s blessings for her character in interaction. Sylver Huntress is back.. and doing her signature 'sylver lining' move.. introducing it to Curia in the most direct way ;)
Credits goes to showcasing :iconterrymcg:'s awesome WW-movie outfit, and Poser 11 (recently got it as a gift from a dear friend while it was on sale, Thank you TECH GUY - you know who you are ;))

Evil Unicorn
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