Evil Unicorn's Gallery

Welcome to Silverwood

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Champion's Welcome 2

screenshot_2009-12-05-10-12-13.jpg Christmas Queue 1縮略圖Witchcraft in Chains 4Christmas Queue 1縮略圖Witchcraft in Chains 4Christmas Queue 1縮略圖Witchcraft in Chains 4Christmas Queue 1縮略圖Witchcraft in Chains 4Christmas Queue 1縮略圖Witchcraft in Chains 4Christmas Queue 1縮略圖Witchcraft in Chains 4Christmas Queue 1縮略圖Witchcraft in Chains 4

After the moment of awe, Sylvene gave her short speech about the environment and saving it.. despite the eyes seemingly looking a bit lower than her lips. Still, she hoped that at least 1% of the speech stuck in her audience's mind, as opposed to the 99% of her body :)