Evil Unicorn's Gallery

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Snake Gulch : Dancing girls

screenshot_2009-11-28-20-41-19.jpg Artemis : the Nemesis GoddessМиниатюриTest Poses
Artemis : the Nemesis GoddessМиниатюриTest Poses
Artemis : the Nemesis GoddessМиниатюриTest Poses
Artemis : the Nemesis GoddessМиниатюриTest Poses
Artemis : the Nemesis GoddessМиниатюриTest Poses
Artemis : the Nemesis GoddessМиниатюриTest Poses
Artemis : the Nemesis GoddessМиниатюриTest Poses

Sometimes even a nymph needs to let it all hang out, even amongst robotic dancers. I guess I've grown to know that sometimes these 'mechs' are a lot more green and environmentally friendly than their human makers.. and in some cases, inhuman makers.

"Here's me, jamming out,.. "